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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sora wa akai Kawa no Hotori (The Sky by the Red River)

I stumbled upon this manga during the holiday. I was picking the manga randomly and I ended up with it. The cover was very much lousy and did not sparked any interest in me but I gave in anyway. The manga that I've been following had not been updated or too short for my heart filling. I was manga deprived! *giggle*.

It's a Classic historical shoujo manga based on the history of the Hittites (an ancient kingdom around 2000-1000 BC in what is now Turkey).

Yup, not really the kind of story that should de-stressed your day right! It filled with facts (and fiction of course) with quite heavy lines. BUT.. I'm loving it so much. Thinking of it... how irony that I hated my history class so much during my school time but didn't (and still don't) mind to read any historical based novel, manga, books or even watch History Channel all day.

Now, back to the manga. It is a shoujo type manga but they are a lot of things to be expected. The adventure, the fantasy etc... it turned me on to the full mode of manga. kekekke... However, SKIP IT IF you're looking for an all dreamy like love story. I did not really love the main characther and certainly not hoping like "wish I were her" thingy. She was very naive but certainly growing up by every chapter (hmmm... I might end up to fall for her later - still reading it). The entanglement in this story is all about war between nations with the influencess of dowager queens (yes Rin-chan, very much like our very own Iron Empress ne?).

Well, end of my SHORT update of what I'm up to. I need to get back on the manga. chiao!!!

2 comment(s):

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

whoa... hopefully i get the chance to read this one soon.. too many things i need to handle..LOL! Our Iron Empress gonna end soon.. yay!

래 Rae said...

hahaha... very true Rin-chan. the same thought for Queen Seonduk's drama. I really want to watch them but watching it streaming online really demand quite some patience. I'll be reconsidering it after I got my PC later today (YAYYYYY!!!!).